Frequently Asked Questions
Do you provide a snack, or do I have to pack one?
Kids Club provides a light snack including 2 food groups. We offer snack in the morning and in the afternoon. You are also welcome to pack a snack for your child to bring.
How does my child sign up for a new club?
All new clubs have open sign up for one full week before club meetings begin. Families are not responsible for signing their children up for clubs, but younger children may benefit from a discussion and encouragement to sign up.
Does my child have to participate in the activities provided?
No. There are lots of activities, toys, and games for the kids to choose from. Kids can choose to do what most appeals to them.
My child needs to do homework when she gets to Kids Club; will you make sure she does it?
We do have a table that kids can use to do their homework, but we are not able to force them to do their studies.
What if I want my child to attend other activities at school during Kids Club hours?
Lots of kids are in soccer, extended day programs, scouts, etc. We have a form for you to complete, listing the name of the activity, and several other details. Just complete one of these forms before your child attends one of these programs so that we can be sure of their safety. This applies only to programs on school grounds; if your child is leaving school for an activity, he or she must be picked up by a parent.
Do I need to report my child’s absence from Kids Club?
If your child will not be at Kids Club in the afternoon, call our direct line to leave a message for the staff. Please do not call the school or the offices at CDC.
What if I need to change my schedule?
A family’s needs often change throughout the school year. You can add time to your schedule at any time. Just speak to the director to see if there is space in the program. If you need to drop time, we require a ONE MONTH notice.
Can my child sign himself in and out so that I don’t have to come in the building?
Children must be signed in and out by a parent or guardian. This is the only way to ensure that there are no mistakes and that your child is safe with an adult. Your 4th or 5th grader may sign in by him/herself ONLY in the morning.
How does CDC follow the play based curriculum?
CDC has a curriculum plan based on our philosophy that children learn best through active play and exploration in a stimulating environment. Our curriculum is child-centered and play-based; children are given many opportunities to engage in free choice activities that encourage developmental growth in the following areas: affective/social, cognitive, language and dramatic play, gross and fine motor, creative art and music.
Does my child need to be potty trained to attend CDC?
No, children do not have to be potty trained. Many children are not developmentally ready at 2 1/2 years old. We work with families to determine when your child is ready to begin the training process.
Do you provide lunches for children?
CDC does not provide lunches for children. Children bring their own lunch every day. The only restriction we have for lunches is no candy or pop (soda). We do not provide refrigeration or have the capability to heat up lunches. To keep them cold we recommend a cold pack in the lunch or a thermos to keep lunches warm.
Does my child have to rest?
Licensing regulations require all preschools to offer a rest time to all children who are in all day care. Rest time is structured so that children who need to sleep are given time to fall asleep while all children are laying quietly on cots listening to stories being read by one of our teachers. After those children are asleep, quiet activities are provided for those who remain awake.
How do you handle conflict between children?
We use the peer problem solving method of conflict resolution. This is a technique developed to assist children in resolving their own problems. Acting as a facilitator, the teacher supports children as they become responsible for discussing and solving differences that normally arise during social interaction.
What do you do about biting?
Biting is a normal developmental stage children go through when they do not have the language skills to express their frustration. If a biting incident occurs, we talk about how much it hurts to be bitten and also have the child who was bitten talk about how it made him/her feel. When biting is a persistent problem with a child, we will have staff member shadow the child until the behavior stops.
How do I separate from my child?
The initial separation form your child can be a traumatic experience for both parent and child. During our parent orientation we give several tips to make this transition as smooth as possible. Our staff is well trained in helping children separate from families and enter into play at CDC.
What types of activities can I expect?
We offer a variety of activities that the children can choose from. We have games, arts and crafts, more involved long term projects, Legos, blocks, and other manipulatives. We spend a lot of time outdoors where children can play an organized game or just play on the playground equipment.
Is there a refrigerator available for lunches?
No, ice packs or frozen juice boxes work well for keeping lunches cold. If you are sending a warm lunch with your child, put it in a Thermos to keep it warm, as there is no microwave either.
What is Get Together?
A camp-wide game or activity. We often talk about upcoming activities and give reminders about field trips.
What are the benefits of mixing children of different ages?
Studies over many years show that children can develop cognitively and socially through interacting with both older and younger children. Older kids benefit greatly from the opportunity to become an ‘expert’ for younger children to learn from. Younger children look to the older ones to teach them, and older children view the younger ones as in need of teaching and support – they, in essence, form sibling-like bonds. These bonds aid in forming a more cooperative and cohesive group.
How do you monitor kids in the pool?
There are several ways in which we monitor kids in the pool:
- We have a system using clothes pins to monitor which children are in the pool and which children are on the deck or in the restroom.
- Each child has a buddy for swimming; no child is ever in the pool without a buddy.
- Every 15 minutes we do buddy checks in which all the children go to the edge of the pool for a head count.
- We maintain a low staff to child ratio (1:4).
- Children cannot go in water past their armpits unless they have passed the deep end test.
Can the kids swim in the deep end?
They can only if they pass the deep end test administered by the pool’s lifeguards. They will determine which children are prepared to swim in deep water.
Does my child have to go to the pool?
Yes. In order to maintain our low ratios at the pool we cannot allow children and staff to stay at camp. If you like you may pick up your child before we go to the pool.
Does my child have to swim?
No, there are other activities on the pool deck for children who do not want to swim. We provide cards and other games to play, as well as materials to make key chains. Children who do not want to swim can also bring a book to read.
My child doesn’t want to swim, do I still need to send a bathing suit?
Yes. In order to enter Buhr Pool’s facilities, they must be wearing a bathing suit.
What is the child to adult ratio in the pool?
In the “tot” and “main” pools, the ratio is 1:4. For children swimming in the deep end, who have proven to be proficient swimmers and passed the test, the ratio is 1:10.
What if I need to pick my child up while she is at the pool?
- Tell staff that you will be picking up from the pool
- Write it in the spiral notebook on the parent table
- Remind your child to bring his/her things to the pool
How long are field trips?
Most of our weekly field trips are 1 hour. We have one or two all-day field trips per summer.
Does my child have to go on the field trips?
Your child does not have to go on weekly field trips where only half of camp goes at one time; but on all-day field trips, the entire camp goes and there are no extra staff members to stay at camp. On these trips, all children must go.
How are the children transported for field trips?
We use Ann Arbor Public School buses for all our transportation needs.
How often is sun screen applied?
Sun screen is applied every time they go outside, before the pool (full body), half way through swim time (faces only), and before field trips.
Can my child put his own sun screen on?
Your child can apply sun screen to his/her own arms and legs. Counselors put sun screen on the kids’ faces and backs. If your child is younger and needs additional assistance a counselor is available to help.