Special thank you to these foundations for gifts to help kids and families!
Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation
Michigan Department of Education

What has the CDC sliding scale done for my family?
“It has given my family peace of mind. It has allowed my daughter to attend a high quality preschool without sacrificing food in our bellies! I truly had no idea that a preschool/daycare like this existed, nor that I could possibly afford to give my daughter this type of quality care.”
“As a single parent, daycare is my single largest expense, I strive to live within my means and yet provide the best upbringing for my child possible. CDC’s sliding scale has been a blessing to my family. Without it, I could not send my daughter to this school where highly trained teachers help children learn to use their words to solve problems and express their feelings.”
“CDC is truly a remarkable place to be. I feel exceptionally grateful to be a part of the CDC family and to the donors who make the sliding scale possible. The sliding scale allows me to provide the best for my daughter and that’s all any parent really wants, isn’t it?”
— letter from a CDC parent